Driver's Education Course
This course is designed for youth ages 14 to 21 years old with a driver's permit, interested in improving their safety skills.
This course is designed for the beginner drivers who want to learn to drive, and for the experienced driver who wants to sharpen their driving skills. In this course the student will learn basic driving techniques, defensive driving techniques and the fundamentals of driving in winter conditions.
Our Drivers Education course is a 18 hour State certified course and consists of 12 hours of classroom instruction and 6 hours of one-on-one, in car training. Classroom instruction will be held four hours per day for three days; the driving portion will be held in one and a half hour sessions per day, for four days.
Driver Education Course: One on One cost: $900
Driver Education Course: One on One with Road Test: $990
WE NOW OFFER CLASSROOM ONLY FOR ALL AGES 14-21 years of age: 12 HOUR HOW TO DRIVE FOR BEGINNING DRIVERS. (The class will be presented in three 4 hour sessions once a month. Cost : $300.